Dijkstra’s Algorithm is a foundational graph algorithm used to find the shortest path from a single source to all other nodes in a weighted graph. It’s versatile and appears in a wide range of problems, especially those involving weighted graphs or grids. Let’s break it down and explore its application using
Dijkstra’s is typically suited for Weighted Graph Problems where ****you need the shortest or cheapest path, but edge weights vary or Single Source Problems where you start from a source node and calculate the shortest paths to other nodes in a specific order.
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The edge weights must be non-negatives. If we have negative weights, we must take a different approach (like Bellman-Ford Algorithm)
Key Examples
In Shortest Path to Get All Keys: is a type of Single Source Problem where we want to find the shortest path from source A while collecting keys in the grid in a specific order.
In Cheapest Flights Within K Stops: is a type of Weighted Graph Problem, which is a cost minimization problem. We want to reduce the cost of a journey within certain constraints.
Since Dijkstra is applicable for problems where we’re looking for the shortest path in a grid, it’s important to learn spot whether a vanilla BFS would be sufficient or if we need to need to use more advanced techniques like Dijkstra. Here are some helpful decision criteria:
Observation | Answer |
Edge have weights? | ✅ Traditional BFS doesn’t account for weight but Dijkstra does |
Is there a priority traversal needed? | ✅ Dijkstra is well suited for this via the priority queue usage |
Can edges be negative? | ❌ Bellman-Ford is a better fit |
If we recognize these criteria as relevant then let’s proceed with solving the problem using this algorithm.
We will first start by looking at how we solve a single source problem (such as The Maze) and then we will discuss the differences when tackling a weighted graph problem instead.